for example i have a "crosstab" on the lines (America, Asia, Europa, Island) also overview different element (not the same level of a dimensional package).
I want to make a controll when I click on the line "America" and it go to a crosstab contain details "america- Brasilien, Canada, Mexico etc.), or "Island" - (Madagasca, Hawaii, etc.). Also a another deck with the same crosstab with details information.
How i make this control? It must be a crosstab and not a list.
sorry for my bad english.
I know it can be done. Sorry I don't have any code to share but, the concept is like this.
Lets take List1 with Countries in row and whatever columns and measures. When you click on the List1 a specific country give you more details for that region. so now you need to make a list to with country region and whatever else you want to show. So the behaviour control work like this get one deck name is start and a one data deck which will house List2 with the details. Now set up the control where data deck is only visible when a country is selected. And the Start deck is only visible when Country selection is empty. Also don't forget to set select control when list1 and user selects a country to be displayed on data deck. That should give you what you are asking for... Hope this helps!
Hello RK,
thnx for your answer, I know this work well with a list.
But what i want is a crosstab, and by the crosstab I cant make a clickable field go to the deck with details information.
I just took an example of a list it can be done the same way with a crosstab. If you some report xml that you can share I can see what you might be doing wrong interms of if you have not set some variables or controls.
Hello RK,
let take a look at my xml report spezification.
I have crosstab that contain overview (revenues and cost), and I want a control from the overview deck to detail deck (details revenues, details cost),
Also by click on total revenues (Umsatz Gesamt) it go to deck total revenues and so on.
And one problem is total revenues and total cost is not on the same level of the dimensional package. I draw it from different location of the package to the crosstab.
Can you upload your report spezification example xml ?
the row of the crosstab is clickable now, but how do i make a control that jump form overview to details deck ?
Ok, I see your issue. I need to think about this. Since I have done it when the members are coming from a level and then drill down to a lower level but, in your code its almost like the member being clicked on the overview tab needs to control the deck not the crosstab inside it like you have. I know this sounds confusing but, I will get back to you.
Hello RK,
I have it. The difficult is the element is not on the same level, so that the simulate drill-down don't work.
But it works well now. You can look at my report spec.
Thanks for your help.
Thats nice, I was also looking into this yesterday but, it looks like you followed what I meant. ;D
Hi RK,
have you any idea, how can I hidden the control row of the crosstab (crosstab on deck "detail")?
When I without use "type of box" to hidden the row the control filter dont work anymore.
Have you looked at interactive behavior for that row by default its set to visible you can set it to hidden.