I am trying to setup audit on Coognos express 9.5, and it gives me the following error-
UDA-SQL-0196 The table or view "Audit..dbo.COGIPF_USERLOGON" was not found in the dictionary. But this table is available in dbase.
Thanks for the help.
>:( >:(
Does the user you provided at Logon in the datasource connection have premissions to do a select ( run a query for those audit tables). To test you need to log on the DB test with the same logon you provided for datasource connection and execute a select statement. If it doesn't return than you need get logon with correct creditials and apply it to the datasource.
Yes, I am able to run the select query in dbase. And also I have provided the same credential while creating the data source.
Hi P,
Is this orcale DB datasource can you provide more info, if you able to validate your datasource in Cognos admin console. Another note if it is orcale did you install the Oracle middleware /client on the Cognos server? What about tnsnames.ora for the audit DB?
I am not sure what was the issues earlier. But it is working now after re-do all the steps again.
we are testing the audit sample report. while running 'Report execution history(Detailed Report)' and 'View reports by package and report' -the output is not displaying all the packages and reports we ran.
Saying simple way - we have 3-diff packages, but audit report shows the information on only two packages. can someone has same issues experience.