Hi All,
I have a little (huge!) battle about SAS BI vs IBM Cognos BI internally.
For now I am trying to draw the line at backend (SAS) and frontend (Cognos).
The SAS department doesn't want to output to a database but to there own SAS (*.SAS7BDAT).
I am trying to connect to a *.SAS7BDAT file but so for no luck.
I have read SPSS and SQL Server can connect to a *.SAS7BDAT file (with OLE DB), but I don't know how to connect from a Cognos BI Server.
Can anybody help me out here?
I think Cognos supports SAS, and it gives you a connector for SAS.
Else you can use ODBC for connecting to SAS.
Hi Rahul,
I have downloaded ODBC from the SAS site, but when installing this driver it need the SAS server location, and I only need to connect to an *.SAS7BDAT file.
So I don't need a connection to a RDBMS, but to a data set output file from SAS.
In my IBM Cognos Server I don't have any SAS drivers from I can select creating a datasource.
So far no luck......
hello team..any one can you please different steps involved in order to use SAS datasets in Cognos Frame work Manager
Quote from: ciber on 11 Mar 2013 03:29:41 PM
Hi Rahul,
I have downloaded ODBC from the SAS site, but when installing this driver it need the SAS server location, and I only need to connect to an *.SAS7BDAT file.
So I don't need a connection to a RDBMS, but to a data set output file from SAS.
In my IBM Cognos Server I don't have any SAS drivers from I can select creating a datasource.
So far no luck......
From the limited googling I have done, connecting via ODBC also requires a SAS license, so you need to point at an installed SAS instance on a server to be able to fulfil this license check. It's worth trying this out - I suspect ODBC is your best bet. Otherwise exporting the data to csv from SAS and using an ODBC text driver might be an alternative.
Good luck!
Thanks MF
Hello Ciber ..Any luck at your end..
Pls share your findings /observations..