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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: ciber on 07 Mar 2013 09:40:21 AM

Title: How to connect to a SAS data set file (*.sas7bdat)
Post by: ciber on 07 Mar 2013 09:40:21 AM
Hi All,

I have a little (huge!) battle about SAS BI vs IBM Cognos BI internally.
For now I am trying to draw the line at backend (SAS) and frontend (Cognos).
The SAS department doesn't want to output to a database but to there own SAS (*.SAS7BDAT).

I am trying to connect to a *.SAS7BDAT file but so for no luck.
I have read SPSS and SQL Server can connect to a *.SAS7BDAT file (with OLE DB), but I don't know how to connect from a Cognos BI Server.

Can anybody help me out here?
Title: Re: How to connect to a SAS data set file (*.sas7bdat)
Post by: Rahul Ganguli on 11 Mar 2013 01:53:37 AM

I think Cognos supports SAS, and it gives you a connector for SAS.
Else you can use ODBC for connecting to SAS.

Title: Re: How to connect to a SAS data set file (*.sas7bdat)
Post by: ciber on 11 Mar 2013 03:29:41 PM
Hi Rahul,

I have downloaded ODBC from the SAS site, but when installing this driver it need the SAS server location, and I only need to connect to an *.SAS7BDAT file.
So I don't need a connection to a RDBMS, but to a data set output file from SAS.
In my IBM Cognos Server I don't have any SAS drivers from I can select creating a datasource.

So far no luck......

Title: Re: How to connect to a SAS data set file (*.sas7bdat)
Post by: meeecog on 07 Apr 2014 04:20:48 PM
hello team..any one can you please different steps involved in order to use SAS datasets in Cognos Frame work Manager
Title: Re: How to connect to a SAS data set file (*.sas7bdat)
Post by: MFGF on 08 Apr 2014 06:06:05 AM
Quote from: ciber on 11 Mar 2013 03:29:41 PM
Hi Rahul,

I have downloaded ODBC from the SAS site, but when installing this driver it need the SAS server location, and I only need to connect to an *.SAS7BDAT file.
So I don't need a connection to a RDBMS, but to a data set output file from SAS.
In my IBM Cognos Server I don't have any SAS drivers from I can select creating a datasource.

So far no luck......


From the limited googling I have done, connecting via ODBC also requires a SAS license, so you need to point at an installed SAS instance on a server to be able to fulfil this license check. It's worth trying this out - I suspect ODBC is your best bet. Otherwise exporting the data to csv from SAS and using an ODBC text driver might be an alternative.

Good luck!

Title: Re: How to connect to a SAS data set file (*.sas7bdat)
Post by: meeecog on 24 Jun 2014 12:17:41 PM
Thanks MF

Hello Ciber ..Any luck at your end..

Pls share your findings /observations..