Brief Background, I am use to using External IQD files for my Transformer data sources. So using reports/models is new to me. I created my Report studio 10.1 List report with all the data elements I needed for my Transformer model and of course saved it. :)
Next I went into Transformer and create a New Model. I then went and started the process of adding my first data source. I selected report and my Data source and then was prompted by my SSO for our Cognos Dev environment where I pointed Configuration Manager to. I logged on Successfully, then I navigated to my report I was going to use for the transformer Model and Clicked on it, it then asked me my connection I was going to use, I selected it as well. The next step is where I am Scratching my head....
When I select Next I then am asked to supply a User and password or create a Logon or I can choice existing logon and enter ID and Password.
My question is, what ID and password is it looking? Is it the Oracle Database Account we are using for the Oracle Data Source\Connection? or ?
Thank you!
I am not sure if your issue is exactly as what I am thinking. But, I reckon this could be avoided to ask the user name and password by adding the signon on the datasource you have created. I believe the asking credentials are your access to the transformer generated cube
Something to check
Transformer and Framework Manager don't always use the Connection information found within Cognos.
For example:
Connect_1 = ODBC on AIX 6.1 - All Cognos Components loaded in AIX
Open Transformer in Windows - connect to Cognos (in AIX) set up a cube - to run the cube build I need to define a Windows ODBC with the EXACT same name as my AIX ODBC - because it is looking locally...
Framework Manager works the same way.
As a result of this I have the DB2 Client and any ODBC entries setup on my Windows Machine that runs Transformer and Framework Manager and keep it in sync with my AIX DB2 Client and ODBC settings.
You may want to see if setting up the database client on the machine you are running these tools resovles your issue.
Wanted to let you all know what I found to be the problem. It looks at your local TNS names file, and what made mine more difficult to trouble shoot, I had two of them( has to do with Corp Configuration of Oracle Client), so once I got my Local Oracle tnsnames file fixed by adding entry it was looking for my problem went away.