Hi Gurus,
Let's say I have 2 Cognos instances for 2 different areas. Can we have them talk to each other?
Like I should be seeing "Project 1" report folder and "Project 2" report folders at the same time and same place?
Thanks a lot for your guidance !!!
You can. I would ask the question why do you want two instances of Cognos not cosolidate them into one/ whats the underlying issue that you need this for? Security? Merger of data between departments/groups on different instances of Cognos BI?
Anyways to setup for cognos instances talk to each other there would need to be a constant deployment process import/export working in both cognos instances the background depend on how often you intend to write in Project 1 and move it to your other instance of cognos so it acts like a mirror and vice versa.
Easier solution use Meta Manager to Deploy Conent - From and To location all you need to do is setup both location information and deploy at will when needed; similar to how you would do migration from one environment to the next... I hope this makes sense.
Hello RKMI,
Thanks a lot for your response and help !!! I really appreciate it.
Yes, its 2 separate departments of an Organization, but certain people of both the dept have the access to see both reports and they would want to see it in one place.
Your suggestion makes sense and I will try implementing the same. Thanks again .. :)
This can be implemented using security. You need not to go for two instances.
I would suggest to outline the security and then implement the same in Cognos.
Hi Rahul,
I think he has two instance of Cognos with different set of license which might not be shared as an ORG maybe even different version. The solution you are recommending makes sense when they finally consolidate their systems and the license agreement with IBM. I have seen this scenario occur when there are two dept with different IT budgets for similar software use (or) even when there is a merger and one company's system is set of overall company firewall and the aquired company is going through a consolidation phase.
Anyways glad to help Star.
Thanks for the calrification.