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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: nagoole on 19 Feb 2013 10:45:34 PM

Title: Report too slow
Post by: nagoole on 19 Feb 2013 10:45:34 PM
Hi all,

If one report running  slow means what administrator ca do to resolve the issue please explain in details.

Title: Re: Report too slow
Post by: cognoslearner1 on 20 Feb 2013 08:10:23 AM
Is it runing too slow when opened in excel output format ?.
If the report is fetching more data or using many joins then usually report consumes more time. Please follow the report studio best practises for tuning.(For this need help of developer )
Not sure DQM helps to how much extent...
Title: Re: Report too slow
Post by: nagoole on 20 Feb 2013 02:23:46 PM
For practice purpose i have one report when i run that report in report studio its take long time to show the output this cause what could be a issue and what admin can to take the steps..... 
Title: Re: Report too slow
Post by: simon.hodgkiss on 28 Feb 2013 09:40:24 AM
Hi Nagoole,

Report Studio has a Tool which will show you the genereated SQL by queries in the report.  The IBM site has a section in the Report Studio User guide giving some guidance on it: (

If other reports in your environment are running with good timings, against the same data source, then it indicates that queries being submitted by your report could be optimised, as Cognoslearner1 has also indicated.

For example, in my organisation we have a Teradata data warehouse.  In our case, when faced with a problem like this we could extract the SQL generated by Cognos and submit it to Teradata via a client tool (eg. Teradata SQL Assistant) with an EXPLAIN statement, which will give indications of the likely completion times etc.  Or you could just run the code and see how long it takes to get a result if your DBAs don't mind...

If the result still takes a long time to come back, then the code's the likely problem.  If it comes back much more quickly, then start looking more closely at the Cognos environment.
Title: Re: Report too slow
Post by: tranboelsterli on 18 Mar 2013 04:18:44 PM
Hi Nagoole,

I agree with Simon.  In addition, you may want to ask your DBA on the statistics of the tables/indexes involved.  We have experienced that the report runs very fast when statistics are properly updated.