When i tried to start dispatcher in Cognos 10.2 Distributed environment, its giving me the following error, and started successfully. But the Dispatcher status in Cognos Connection shows as Partially available. Please help me.
[Validate database connection properties.]
[ ERROR ] No JDBC driver could be found in classpath.
CNC-SDS-0260 Unable to locate the class null in the class path.
'com.cognos.pogo.services.DispatcherServices', 'pogo', 'Failure'.
DPR-DPR-1035 Dispatcher detected an error.
'com.cognos.pogo.services.DefaultHandlerService', 'pogo', 'Failure'.
DPR-DPR-1035 Dispatcher detected an error.
CNC-SDS-0260 Unable to locate the class null in the class path.
Have you copied the relevant JDBC driver file(s) into c10_location\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib? Do you have multiple versions of the JDBC files or a version that does not match your database version?
Hi FM,
Sorry for late reply.
I have same version of JDBC. Later i was able to find that actual problem.
I did not configure the database for notifications in the dispatcher location and i did configured the database fr notifications at CM location.