I'm a Report Studio author, and our statewide organization has upgraded to Cognos 10.1.1. One of my reports is an employee contract report, and it contained an image file for two signatures. I am being told that Report Studio is not supported nor are my custom reports (I guess they only support Query Studio). The report works, however, the images for the signature will not produce on the output of the report. They are visible within RS, but just a blank box appears on the output. This makes perfect sense because the url for the image is still pointing to https://..../cognos8/samples/images/. When I go to click on the browse button for the server url I get a Web Server Error: Saying the web request failed 404 Not Found Https://....ibmcongos/samples/images.
Is there anything that I can do as a workaround to get these images even though I don't have access to Framework or anytype of Admin functions? Or should I just hope that the Cognos state Admin will add the images I have requested even though their communication with me is basically telling me that they aren't supporting RS?
Also, I'm curious from an Admin standpoint how long this task would take to do?
Thank you,
There is no workaround except for the administrator to enable the directory browsing on the web server for you. It really cannot take more than a few minutes to do this. Maybe the person you are working with does not understand how to help you.
Thank you for your response. It was suggested to me that if I had questions or issues arise, that they suggest that I visit www.cognoise.com or one of the other Cognos forums to seek answers. So, I was just doing as I was told!
More importantly, was your issue resolved?