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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Upgrading to Cognos 10 => Topic started by: Tobiff on 06 Feb 2013 03:01:41 PM

Title: Upgrade from Cognos BI 8.4 to 10.2 -> The specified localized pattern invalid
Post by: Tobiff on 06 Feb 2013 03:01:41 PM
Hi all,

We have an issue with the upgrade to Cognos Bi 10.2. We work currently with version 8.4

In Report Studio, when we have a date in report, we get an fatal error (See attached file)

In Framework Model we use pattern for the date/time, because the reports posted in french or english

In Ferench, we could use aaaa-MM-jj and in english, yyyy-MM-dd.

When I test in Report Studio 10.2:
I create a list with a date. In Data Format properties, I select Date/Time for Format type and in 'pattern' i put aaaa-MM-jj.
When I execute the report, i get an issue.

And if i put in 'pattern': yyyy-MM-dd, the report execution is correct

In Cognos BI 8.4, we haven't this issue.

Have you an idea to fix this issue ?

Thank you