Hello all.
I have a JobStream on a windows machine that is being run locally.
The email node for success or failure is firing, but there is no email being received.
I am using a 'profile' that is being used by TM1 and that is sending out emails. That TM1 is installed on another machine.
Is this issue due to the fact that I do not have Outlook installed locally?
Thanks for your time.
Yep - you need to have the email client installed on the same machine as the one running the data manager jobstream for your email node to work.
Thanks @MF!
I thought that it would be something like that.
Ill get that set up.
Appreciate the time.
.. just a quick note for anyone interested.
I installed DM onto the production server here. There is an instance of Cognos Express running here that is sending out notification emails successfully.
There is no email client (Outlook) on that box however.
Data Manager email nodes still do not work. I have asked the software group to push it onto that box.
Once it's installed and set up, I'll update here for those that are interested.
Express (and Cognos 8/10 BI) are configured to deliver to an email server running on a port on the network. Data Manager email nodes work differently and you will need to have an email client installed to allow them to work.