Hi ,,
I want to burst my active report to ipad. It completed successfully. It saves output to directory but when I look ipad , id does not seem.
Only one user see the report.(the user who I burst report.)
Burst option :
I select automatic option.And I give email data item to recipient and give group my user_id.
Please give me help.
any idea?
There is a separate board for active reports. You might get better responses if you post your question there instead of in the Report Studio board.
Moved from Report Studio section to the proper place ;)
To get your active Report on your Ipad there are two options.
Both require the Cognos App of Itunes, this app is free.
1) SEnd it by email. You might want to schedule it, do so in connection as every other report. The Cognos App will make is possible to open the mhtml file on the ipad from the attached email.
2) In case youre online, access cognos online (use cognos mobile) and execute, render and open the active report itself in realtime.
gl and cheerz
I want to burst to mobile users. Not by email.
but I cant. I tried everything. But I cannot succeed
Unlike bursting you will need to run with options and send to mobile recipents. Have the burst group defined as a group of users in a group aka *Best NA Salesmen in security under adminstration. Add that group aka *Best NA Salesmen to send mobile recipents this differs from burst option in report studio since it looks inside the query and see the associated email information in the tables. I hope this makes sense.