Hello community,
i have seen a IBM demo Active Report with a Big button bar (or something else) with Icon Picture and description etc., but I don't find the properties to recize the control Button in the height.
Know someone how i made it?
thank & best regards,
Is this using the standard buttons, or is it using images?
I think you can define imaged in place of the buttons when defying button values.
I'm not sure if you are using data buttons?
Which version of Cognos are you using?
I think that in the example you've given several lists are connected to another control by use of a report variable. To achieve this you just have to make a list, drag an image in the first column and a text item in the second column to make your button. Then you connect the list to another control with a connection. If you need some more help with it I do have some examples.
Hello Hunter,
thnx for your answer.
Could your upload some examples reports spezifikation?
Hi tequila,
No problem. I just made a small report as a test. This is just an example, nothing fancy but it should give you an idea on how it works. By using this technique you can make really nice buttons for your Active Reports. I've added the txt file with the report specs. Hope it helps.
Let me know if it works
Hello Hunter,
it works fine now.
But i have one more question.
How do you make the vertical botton, with the crosstab?
What do you mean with vertical button? Do you mean several buttons underneath eachother?