I've installed cognos planning 10.1.1 Fix pack 2 in a client server (he also has cognos 10.1.1).
Although every application and functionality is working, when get in an elist node, I get a dialog box with the following information:
DEVELOPMENT VERSION ONLY - Client server mismatch (shoud be n...
After pressing ok the node opens.
Can someone help me regarding this issue and how can I resolve it so that the dialog doesn't appear ?
Thank you, Best regards,
Typically this means that the server is running a newer version than the client. In this case it is not preventing the client from opening the node, but it is generating the message you are seeing.
Server version: 10.1.4018 - FP2 version of EP 10.1.1
Client version: 10.1.2132 - base release version of EP 10.1.1
In this case, because some clients disable the automatic pull of the software, you will want to confirm that the 'automatic download and updates' is enabled in the CAC (System Settings > Web Client Settings). If it's been disabled, you may want to confirm with the client if they did this for a specific reason. Otherwise, if it's set to automatic, you may need to uninstall the contributor client completley from one system, as a test, and have them attempt to access the application again. If you're prompted to install, then go forward and this should now work as expected.
Since FP2 is a fairly significant change in code, I imagine that the cognosRCP (framework) needs to be updated along with the contributor (client) pieces, and you can only do this by uninstalling and reinstalling, as far as I know.
Hi ericlfg,
Thansk for the reply.
I've unistalled the client cognosRCP (framework) from my computer and got in the planning model so that planning re-installed the client applications.
After this I still have the dialog box with the information. Is there a way yo check if the cognosrcp file is for the correct version we need in the client?
Thank you
I might be mistaken, but isn't
Server version: 10.1.4018 - FP1 ?
Server version: 10.1.4029 - FP2 !
Migth help to resolve your problem.
I referenced the wrong .ini file in the beginning. Here are ALL of the 10.1.1 build and install numbers:
10.1.1 BASE
Build: 10.1.2688
Install: 10.1.6235.51
10.1.1 FP1
Build: 10.1.6301.9
Install: 10.1.3008
10.1.1 FP2
Build: 10.1.4029
Install: 10.1.6302.18
Looking at the above, none of these match the numbers referenced in the error that was originally provided. I can only locate the server version referenced (4018) in the versions.ini file in the 10.1.1 FP1 updater. So, in this case, I would suspect that there is a machine out there without the correct version applied (still running an older version). Therefore, you could theoretically still be receiving the version mismatch error because not all servers are updated to FP2.
To confirm, using the values I provided above, open the cmplst.txt on each of your servers and confirm that there is an [Product Update Information] section with items present with a 6302.18 install value.
Are you able to solve this issue. I am facing the same. Is there any way to hide this message from displaying?