I have a list report with the following columns:
Harvest,Samplename,Culture Day,harvest day etc.
values are like:
harvest samplename culture day harvest day
1 x 29 TBD
1 x 18 TBD
1 y 59 TBD
2 z 60 TBD
2 z 55 TBD
I have to get the maximum culture day for each harvest.
I am using maximum(culture day for harvest)
Ideally it should give me :
harvest cultureday
1 59
2 60
But instead of grouping by harvest report is returing 60 which is maximum value for the entire column.
Please suggest.
Your formula looks fine, but sounds like you may have one of your aggregation properties set to maximum for this data item. I think it should be something like None/Calculated.
Is your result set as following below ?
harvest samplename culture day harvest day
1 x 60 TBD
1 x 60 TBD
1 y 60 TBD
2 z 60 TBD
2 z 60 TBD
If yes, you might want to show just distinct values for Harvest.
I have changed the aggregate function and rollup aggregate function to none/calculated.
But it is not working.
Please help!!!
Should not be about the rollup setting. When you define maximum(culture day for [harvest]) then the aggregation setting can be set to calculated. Otherwise you are calculating aggregate over aggregate. In that case you would get the single highest value for the report..
Thanks a lot for your replies.
But i have tried all the suggestions but it is not working.
Please suggest.
check the cognos SQL.
It should contain something like:
XMAX(sometable.culture day for sometable.harvest )