My name is Jesse and I'm a civil engineer working for a State DOT in the West. I was promoted to a management position a year and a half ago and one of my first tasks was to develop performance measures for the groups working under me. After a comical series of fits and starts with Excel and MS Access, I finally discovered that we had a product called "Query Studio" that could assemble statistics from our Oracle databases. To make a long story shorter, I am now the only civil engineer within the organization that is actually creating statewide reports, with Report Studio, and with the help and support of some very intelligent and dedicated IT professionals working and administering for the State. I have really come to love working with Cognos, and I have completed additional training and I intend to obtain at least one certification. I learned of this forum from the last training I took. Thank you for reading my story.
Hi. Welcome to the Cognoise forum! :)
Congratz to your promotion and welcome to the awesome cognoise community sir :)