I recently installed DecisionStream 7.1.781.0 on a WinXP SP 2 machine. Every jobstream fails to execute, causing a Windows apology error.
Even though any individual build runs fine, rundsjob.exe crashes at the "start run" line with no further messages. The same result occurs when running the command directly from the DOS command line. I've attempted the various job streams (simple MS Access table to text file to SQL Server/iSeries connections) - all with the exact same results.
However, we have successfully run jobstreams on other workstations and servers.
Has anybody else experience this?
Tough one. Check if it is up to date with MDAC.
Thanks for the advice. I did validate that I'm on the appropriate version of MDAC for Win XP SP2. I didn't think that would have been the issue, namely because I can run any specific build on its own just fine - only job streams... Even job streams with just a single node crash right out of the starting gate with a message of
Faulting application rundsjob.exe, version 7.1.781.0, faulting module rundsjob.exe, version 7.1.781.0, fault address 0x0000167c.
Anyhow, please keep this thread in mind should you ever encounter anything similar. For the time being, I'll be working from a different machine!
In that case try to reinstall and re-configure your DS installation. Some articles on Cognos Support suggest that it might be a corrupted/incomplete install. They are not specific to DS but have the common theme of "Faulting application". Make sure you disable on-access scan of any antivirus software you might have installed on that machine for all Cognos directories.
This issue has been resolved. An upgrade to the latest release of Symantec AV did the trick. I was currently on vsn 10.0 - upgraded to 10.1 and all job streams run now.
Many thanks for the Antivirus tip! Don't think I ever would have checked there if it weren't for your advice.
I'm glad I was able to help another carbon based life form. Ususally it is only silicon ones ... Cheers, mate!