Got a very simple and stupid question. I am using Cognos 10.1.1 with Active Reports. I want to have two guys working simultaneously on the same report to speed up the development. How can I get this done?
Not stupid, and sadly not simple either! The only way I can think of is to put the report XML into a source control system, have your two developers work on separate copies of the report, then use the source control system to try to merge the resultant XML specs into a single report spec. It is fraught with danger, though.
Hi - it might also depend on the complexity of the report?
You could perhaps have one developer work on the layout, graphics, etc etc and get the navigation working as required displaying simple text or the variable values at every stage.
The other developer could then focus on the queries for the data containers (crosstabs, maps, charts etc).
You could then merge the work of the two - but like previously stated - it's not that easy and potentially full of risk. Get them to do one each and double the number of reports generated!
Cheers Ash! Did you delete your avatar, by the way? It's showing as a broken link at the moment. Was it a picture of a man wearing hair clips? ;)