We have a new requirement to set the selected tab background colour to "Teal Blue", by default we are using contemporary skin and our tabs are coming in orange colour when they selected. I went through default.css file (...\webcontent\skins\contemporary\portal) and updated the selected tab colour to teal blue and the property is applying only for top section 1. I have no idea how to apply teal blue colour for selected tabs in section 2, 3 & 4.
In dashboard1, we have 4 sections and no idea where the setting is resided for section 4.
Can some one please help me out?
Thank you very much.
I am facing a very similar issue, and was wondering if you or anyone else found a solution. Our tab is a multi-page dashboard with multiple horizontal tabs within it. The "out-of-the-box" styles show up correctly to all sub-tabs. But when I change the style to the custom style 'my_style', only the top tab level shows up correctly. The lower one's that are poart of the portal page show a blank white style very different to the skin setup.