Test post
It worked. Well the post did anyway. Not sure what else you were trying to test. :)
I was unable to create any new posts - rocket has been trying a few things and I wanted to see if I could post something. It seems I can again (yippee!) but I'm still seeing very patchy performance. How are things for you grim?
The site is extrememly slow, and this is the second time I try to post _THIS REPLY_ to this thread. The first one got lost in transit I guess.
Not sure if the slowness is the site or the work net connection, but other sites seem to be ok.
The guys at BSP are working really hard to try to fix the issues. Thanks for your patience while the work is ongoing...
Quote from: MFGF on 11 Jan 2013 08:22:45 AM
I was unable to create any new posts - rocket has been trying a few things and I wanted to see if I could post something. It seems I can again (yippee!) but I'm still seeing very patchy performance. How are things for you grim?
Glad to know this. For about 2 weeks I was unable to login but could see that others were posting so I convinced myself that I am banned from this site ! It was extremely slow too.
You're definitely not banned!! It seems we had so many banned spammers in the database, they were gumming up the works somewhere. Hopefully the site should perform much better now. Thanks for yor patience!
And there i thought this was a security rule by the server to prevent cognos nubs like me to ask stupid questions...awesome :)
Lookin forward to write my own "test" soon :P