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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Framework Manager => Topic started by: nbailey on 08 Jan 2013 02:23:02 PM

Title: Location of embedded filter
Post by: nbailey on 08 Jan 2013 02:23:02 PM
I have a filter which is appearing in Cognos report studio when I am creating a report using the data items from a particular Query Subject.   I am not coding the filter in the report. 
When I go into Framework Manager under edit definitions for this Query Subject there are no filters under the FILTER tab.   I have looked under all Query subjects defined in this project and still cannot find this mystery filter.   Can anyone give me some suggestions as to where I might look to find this filter ?

`Operating_Account_Ledger_Table`.`ACTIVITY_DATE` between `Account_Table`.`EFF_DATE`
    and `Account_Table`.`NCHG_DATE`

Title: Re: Location of embedded filter
Post by: RKMI on 08 Jan 2013 05:29:06 PM

Can you take a screen shot in report studio and show what embedded filter you are looking for. And are you the author for the framework model? If not make sure your modeller has provided you with the most current model file.

Genenral practice the modeller would design a folder named FILTER, and you add your embedded filters in that and refer them in various package publish to accompany the query subjects. The filter you were looking for thru edit defination is an applied filter not embedded difference being that its applied for the entire query subject were as the embedded is a predefined filter in FM applied for report build time. Hope this makes sense.

Title: Re: Location of embedded filter
Post by: MFGF on 09 Jan 2013 05:11:20 AM

It could likely be a security filter. Select your query subject, then from the menubar select Actions > Specify Data Security. Do you see the filter here?


Title: Re: Location of embedded filter
Post by: nbailey on 09 Jan 2013 07:34:36 AM
I think this filter must be and applied filter... but I don't see it anywhere in my Filters folder. 
Anytime I use the Query Subject in Report Studio the filter is applied automatically... and I can see it when use the generate sql.   Enclosed is a screen shot in Framework Manager of the Query Subject 'Operating Account Ledger Table' showing that there are no embedded filters in ACTIONS > SPECIFY DATA SECURITY.  Screen shot also displays all of the applied filters in the 'financial filters'  folder (bottom left). 

I should add that the filter is only applied to the Query Subject when a join is done to another Query Subject in report Studio.   
Title: Re: Location of embedded filter
Post by: bus_pass_man on 13 Jan 2013 05:27:42 PM
Does it show up in lineage?
Title: Re: Location of embedded filter
Post by: MFGF on 14 Jan 2013 08:44:44 AM
Have you checked the SQL of the query subject to see if the filter has been hard-coded as a predicate (where clause) in the SQL?

Title: Re: Location of embedded filter
Post by: nmcdermaid on 21 Jan 2013 09:13:43 PM
Are you certain it's a filter? It looks like a join predicate to me - two tables being joined. Perhaps you have a column from another table in your query subject so it's joining these two tables:

Title: Re: Location of embedded filter
Post by: MFGF on 28 Jan 2013 07:50:53 AM
Ah! Good spot there! It could well be a coded relationship expression!
Title: Re: Location of embedded filter
Post by: cognostechie on 29 Jan 2013 03:05:47 PM
or maybe a Prompt macro too used in conjunction with a data column for security