Hello I am having a issue when i try to run a macro in Planning Administer. I click execute and it says the process has started, but nothing actually happens. The start time doesn't even change. This is the errors I get:
CM-HDR-4010 An unexpected error occurred while authenticating using trusted credentials
CM-REQ-4377 Content Manager returned an error in the response header. The following root cause is being returned in the response SOAP Header: "cmBadFuncArg CM-REQ-4078 The function "storeID" has an invalid argument." This root cause error has caused the following additional error messages to be returned in the header: "[cmAuthenticateTCUnexpectedFault CM-HDR-4010 An unexpected error occurred while authenticating using trusted credentials., cmInvalidSearchPath CM-REQ-4158 The search path "storeID("")" is invalid. An object may contain invalid syntax, or an unsupported character, or the user account in the namespace may not have sufficient privileges. Check the object to ensure that the target destination location does not contain special characters.]
I am guessing a permissions issue but I don't know what to check.
Hey jburchill,
I'm not sure that the error you provided is related to the issue you're encountering.. There could be a couple of very common reasons for this to happen:
Some questions:
1. Was this working fine before? If so, are you aware of any changes?
2. What version of planning are you using?
3. Do other tasks run? Ex: GTPs, reconciles, admin links, publishes, etc?
Couple possible reasons for this:
1. Planning store job object is not being monitored in the job server cluster(s)
2. Event and monitor services are not set to true on your job servers (only in the case of trying to trigger a macro through cognos connection)
3. Due to a defect (in specific versions), if you do not have the CAC service set to true along with the planning job service and this machine added to your cluster, macros / jobs will not process.
Possible solutions:
1. confirm planning store object is being monitored in the cluster(s)
2. confirm the event and monitor services are set to true (again, only if you're trying to trigger from cog connection rather than from the CAC)
3. confirm where your CAC service is setup
4. delete the job servers and clusters. Rebuild them and add all objects for monitoring back to where they were originally (confirm before deleting where your objects are set (either set to job server or cluster)).
Problem solved...turned on Job Planning service on the server that was trying to run the macro. How do I change it so our job server that runs all the other jobs can run the macros?
If it's what I think it is (turned on Planning job server service on the admin server), set the number of job threads to zero in the cluster in the CAC for the newly added job server. Make sure planning store is assigned to the cluster and other job servers should pick up the macro job. Not sure if that is what you're seeing but known product behavior.