Hi all,
I'm a newbie and I have che following problem using Cognos BI 10.2
I develop a cube with some dimensions. The validation process is ok and also the scope of the measures.
I create categories in Transformer and all are ok.
But after build the cube, in analysis Studio I haven't some categories for a regulare dimension.
For example, if categories in my dimension are a,b,c,d,e,f in the diagram view of Trasformer I see them, but in Analysis Studio I see only
How can i solve this issue?
Thanks a lot for your help
Not sure if this is the problem but it's a place to start. By default you only get to see categories in the report studios where there are associated measures. If you want to see all categories even when there aren't associated measures you need to change the properties of the categories to always be included.
Now I see missing categories, but there isn't corresponding measures!
I test the same query I perform in Analisys Studio using the relational package on Query Studio.
So, my Framework Manager model is correct.
What do you think about the cause of this issue?
Thanks a lot
I don't think it's an issue, it sounds like your cube is doing what I would expect it to do. Cubes are designed for aggregated analysis so it makes sense to only show categories that have measures whereas the package against the relational source will bring back all data including the categories where there aren't any measures.
You can change the default behaviour of the cube, as I said you can change the categories to always be included and you can change the default properties of the measures to show zero or n/a when there aren't any actual values and I think you can change the measures to always be included. Richt click on the measures and play with the options.
I done what you suggested. But may be I have a problem about modeling.
In fact, my framework manager is correct (as confirmed by query data with Query Studio)
As I wrote before, I build the cube without any errors or warnings (as confirmed by Check Model) but measure values showed aren't correct.
So, how can I debug my model?
Can you advice me some best practices?
Thank a lot for your appreciate help
Can you give me some examples of how the measures are wrong (what they are and what they should be)? There can sometimes be an issue with the scale/precision.
Another thing to try is looking at the preview of the data source, this will show you the raw data coming into the cube, it can help you to figure out if the issue is with the cube or with how the data is being loaded into the cube.
sorry for late...
I had to correct my FM model.
In fact a relationship was wrong...
I hope this troubleshooting will be useful to others in the future.
thanks for your time