Yes ... I know that IBM doesn't publish this because it can change and they want you to use the SDK.
But I want to know where access permissions (Read, Write, Traverse, Execute, Policy) are stored in the Content Store database.
I would have expected something like CMREFORD1, but have found nothing.
This may help to find that out...
CM Browser Tool
Using CMB
Thanks, but I'm still hoping someone can point me to the CM tables that actually contain the stored settings.
Hi cccschip..Did you find the CM table?
Sadly, no. :(
I am desperately trying to find the answer to this too.
I have gone through the cognos_cs tables with a fine tooth comb, and I cannot see anything which would logically relate folder to permissions.
If anyone knows how to do this in SQL it will be very appreciated.
They are stored in the CMPOLICIES table as a long hexadecimal value. It's not readable.
MetaManager can provide an extract of security policies to an Excel file (or other) using the Content Documenter module.
See attached the attached file as an example output. Also you can see more information on the module here:
Does this help with what you're trying to accomplish?
Brilliant! Thank you Andrew Weiss.
Yes, it does help. MetaManager seems like a great tool.