Hi there,
I am quite new to cognos administration. I have an issue where the Current Activities - Background activities show 2 items executing but I am not sure what they are because no details show in the grid below. I have attached a screen shot of what I see. When other users run reports I can see their reports running just fine. Do I need to look at the Audit DB to find what is causing these 2 items to show up. I have restarted the services and the machines and those 2 items still show up in that bar. Any help and suggestions would be much appreciated.
Look slike there may be some erroneous items lingering in the tables for that item. You could poke around in the CM Tables using Content Manager Browser.
;D Grim, you never disappoint honoring the special "title" mr.muppet attached to your profil ;D
I figured this issue out. I dropped tables in the Notification Store and restarted cognos. That rebuilt the tables and solved the issue.