Hi everyone,
I'm trying to make a report that shows the % growth of incomming calls per year.
It has to show:
Year | Growth
2002 | NULL
2003 | ..%
2004 | ..%
my problem right now is, when i use de percentage function, i get a 100% every year.
could someone please help me?
thanks in advance
i actually fixed the query, but now i get a different problem.
When i view the tabular data of the query i get
Year Amount Percentage Growth
2003 7,149
2004 8,226 15
2005 6,919 -16
2006 7,738 12
2007 9,140 18
2008 10,794 18
2009 10,200 -6
2010 9,542 -6
2011 10,236 7
2012 9,285 -9
but when i put all the above data items in a list i get
Year Amount percentage growth
2003 7149
2004 8226 1507%
2005 6919 -1589%
2006 7738 1184%
2007 9140 1812%
2008 10794 1810%
2009 10200 -550%
2010 9542 -645%
2011 10236 727%
2012 9285 -929%
could someone help?
Looks like your percentage format is expecting the source values to be decimals - eg 0.15 rather than 15. How did you calculate the underlying values? Can you just divide by 100?
thank you mfgf, i accidentaly multiplied the values, thinking i got the percentages.
It worked, so thanks!!!