I have installed Cognos BI 10.1.1 Fixpack 1 last friday.
Unfortunately, all consumers now have problems running reports based on PowerCubes. For example:
QE-DEF-0030 Expression parsing error. QE-DEF-0359 The query contains a reference to at least one object '[Cubename].[Meetwaarden].[Measure name]' that does not exist. All errors are related to the measures.
When I run the report as a user with the Report Author or Administrator role, everything is fine.
I have tried to rollback the fixpack (using the backup files), but the error persists which seems to indicate that not every file was restored to its previous state. I fear I should probably create a 'clean' installation to make sure all components run the same version of Cognos.
Is there anyone who has experienced the same problem with Fixpack 1?
One of my former customer has some similar problem with measures after upgrade to Cognos 10.1.1 from 8.4.1.
The root cause was related to the language what we used for product language. Although we set it to hungarian transformer continued to use english in cubes.
So the references to the cube items in the reports differed from the references in the cubes.
I recommend to check and compare the references - for example MUN, DUN - you can see in the report specifications and in the actual package.
After the initial upgrade from 8.4 to 10.1.1, we had similar problems with reports based on PowerCubes.
In 8.4, the measures were in [Cubename].[Meetwaarde-eenheden], but in 10.1.1 it was replaced with [Cubename].[Meetwaarden]. I altered all the references in those reports to make them work in 10.1.1 again.
However, back then the reports failed for every user. This time, I can still run the report as a Report Author but not as a Consumer: they get the QE-DEF-0030 Expression parsing error, while I don't.
I checked the reports again for bad references, but the references are correct. The reports also validate correctly.
Last night I have removed the Cognos 10.1.1 installation and reinstalled Cognos WITHOUT fixpack 1.
All the affected reports are working as they should again.
Does anyone know if this issues persists in 10.2?
Also, is this only an issue if we use a language other than English?
We are considering the move from 8.4.1 FP3 (BI) / FP2 (EP) to 10.2 (BI) / 10.1.1 FP? (EP)....
It sounds like you need Interim Fix 1: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24031672
It's sounds the same...
But to be sure read the alert that's on the page...
I had the problem mentioned in the alert when I first installed Cognos 10.1.1. Instead of 'Meetwaarde-eenheden', the Measures folder was called 'Meetwaarden'. Not a single user could run the reports.
I resolved the problem by altering the dataitems in the affected reports (I simply replaced the existing 'Meetwaarde-eenheden' with 'Meetwaarden').
The real problem started after I installed fixpack 1; if I ran the reports with my report author priviliges they worked fine, if any 'consumer' user ran the reports, the QE-DEF-0030 and QE-DEF-0359 error appeared. The error in the logfile mentioned the measures folder again, but I checked the reports and they validated fine.
My Cognos product language is set to English, so I tried if I could 'break' my user account by setting it to Dutch. Still no problem for me, so I tried to set a consumer user account (which was configured for Dutch) to English. The problem persisted for the consumer.
It's starting to sound like an error that occurred when I was upgrading my customers from 8.3 to 8.4 with the language pack.
This problem was resolved by creating a framework, importing the cube, adding the Dutch and English language and publishing the cube.
Your error is not the same, but give it a try.
I will give it a try in 2013. For now, I'll stick with 10.1.1 without fixpack 1.
I do not want to reinstall Cognos for the second time during the holidays ;)