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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Active Reports => Topic started by: Prem Mehrotra on 15 Dec 2012 08:14:40 AM

Title: Active Report Template in Cognos 10.1 Report Studio
Post by: Prem Mehrotra on 15 Dec 2012 08:14:40 AM
I am  a new bie to Cognos 10.1. I see Report Studio provides Active Report Template. Active Report Template has many nice controls such as tabbed controls. If I develop a report using this template, will I be able to run this report and see it in Cognos Viewer/Cognos Connection (similar to non active report templates..).
I am just confused with the term "Active Report" template. I know in Cognos 10.1, one can have Active Reports which can be viewed off line, i.e.,will not connect live data (data at that point in database). But I want to see live data as well through CognosPortal (viewer/connection, whatever it is called...). Is it possible to do that.

Title: Re: Active Report Template in Cognos 10.1 Report Studio
Post by: MFGF on 18 Dec 2012 05:16:00 AM

If you write an Active Report (by using the Active Report template, the Blank Active Report template, or by opening a non-active report and using File> Convert to Active Report) your report will always render as an MHT file, containing the data as well as the report spec. You can either download/email this and run it standalone and offline, or you can allow users to run/view it from within the Cognos Connection portal. If a user chooses to run the active report and create a new MHT file, they will need to wait while the latest data is retrieved and the new MHT is rendered, but they can do it, yes.
