Hi All,
I am trying to import a cognos 10.1.1 package to cognos 10.1, and I am facing below error.
The deployment option "export" is incorrect.
CM-REQ-4190 The property value is invalid because the locales for value "Javne mape" and value "Public Folders" both map to locale "en".
Cant we import form 10.1.1 to 10.1.
I also noticed that the report XML is 7.0 in 10.1 and in 10.1.1 its 8.0
Usually, you can only go from lower version to higher version not the other way.
Yep. Can't be done reliably. Your only hope is to modify the XML header of the 10.1.1 deployment to set the version to be the same as a 10.1 deployment, then hope... Realistically it's a forlorn hope. IBM have probably implemented changes in the XML in 10.1.1 that a 10.1 server simply cannot understand. Deployments (like report spec XML files and FM projects) are not backwards compatible. Sorry.