I use a scroll on block.It s look good on pc but when I run the report on ipad the scroll doesnt appear? What can i do?
any answer?
There is a separate board for active reports.
How can I use it?
it is not in toolbox.
Thanks for answering but please help
I think Lynn was referring to the fact that you posted this originally in the Report Studio forum rather than the Active Reports forum. I moved the post for you.
I'm not convinced blocks are designed to scroll consistently within an mht file. Generally the best practice when designing Active Reports is to size objects absolutely to prevent scrolling. Scrolling on an iPad is notoriously difficult too, involving a multi-finger gesture, I think.
i have this problem too.
The scrollblock work on the IE well but it does not work on the ipad. I think the solution is in the properties of the block.
Have someone any ideas how to make it?
Here the description from the "IBM Cognos Proven Practices: IBM Cognos Active Report 10.1.1 Cookbook"
It is common practice when designing reporting applications for the desktop to nest large objects such as lists inside a smaller block with scrolling enabled. This minimizes the impact on overall screen real estate and still allows the user to view all of the detail contained within the object. On the desktop these scrollable areas are identified with scrollbars on the block. In order to remain consistent with established iOS navigation standards, scrollable areas on a reporting application when rendered in the IBM Cognos Mobile native iPad application do not have visible scrollbars. Furthermore, the iOS gesture to navigate these areas is a two finger scroll. This gesture is unintuitive to inexperienced iPad users so authors who are going to utilize scrollable blocks should ensure that their users are made aware of this iOS gesture. The following screen capture displays two lists consisting of Product line, Product type, Quantity, Revenue and Gross profit. The list on the left represents the desktop view and shows the scroll bars to the right of the Gross profit column. The list on the right represents the iPad view and does not have a scrollbar to the right of the Gross profit column.