Hi All,
I have installed Cognos express 9.5 in Windows 7 professional 64 bit.
It got it installed successfully.
Installation of Samples for setting up creating datasources, importing packages is also successfull.
But the problem is that after running the bat file named Restore_IDS under C->ProgramFiles(x86)->IBM->Cognos express->Express Samples.
I could not see the data on running the samples reports in go data warehouse.
I have tried many things such as giving the admin rights to all the windows user, Restarting the comp after /between remove and restore etc.
Some times after doing the process, the data is shown on running reports, but when I shutdown or Restart the computer.
After that I run the report, the report does not display any data.
I am trying to find out the cause but not able to find the solution.
Your guidance is appreciated a lot.
Thanks in advance