Hello, we are about to upgrade our cognos from 8.3 to 10.1 and we will be sharing costpoint7 with our parent company. Costpoint has the ability to distinguish between two company based on its configuration. Our parent company will be installing cognos 10.1 and that will be a new install for them (no upgrade). I am wondering if anyone has had any experience with two companies sharing a costpoint environment with their cognos. Also, since we are upgrading is there anything particular we should test for since we are sharing CP?
Thank you,
I haven't used Costpoint, but it's worth mentioning that if you plan to have two companies hosted in the same instance of Cognos 10, it might be worth considering 10.2 as this makes multi-tenant support much easier.
Just a thought.
The move to 10.2 is too late. Would be nice to upgrade to the newest version, but they have already started upgrading our dev so as of now we are stuck with 10.1.
J - I am a Cognos Consultant for clients on Costpoint. I see customers with more than one company all the time. Since you will be on the same data source, the reports need to have a prompt for Company ID, which all the canned reports do. The administrator will likely want to set up security on the data for Company ID. The parent company might be company id '1' and the subs might be '10', '20', '30', etc.