Hi all
First off, great to be here. Hope that you can assist me with an issue that I'm having.
I don't really know much about Cognos as a whole, and have only recently started looking into it.
The situation I have is as follows. It ship's with Connections 4, and i am having trouble getting it working on Linux.
I've installed and configured as per the IBM Connections 4 Wiki but am still having issues.
When I try to build cubes i get the following:
./cogtr -n -c -s -g -r4 -f /opt/IBM/Cognos/Transformer/metricsmodel/promptStartBuild.xml -m /opt/IBM/Cognos/Transformer/metricsmodel/MetricsAuditCube.mdl
Business Intelligence Transformer version 10.1.6235.605
Transformer(Transformer) Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:22:59
Codepage: ANSI_X3.4-1968
Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:22:59 3 00000000 Command Line: ./cogtr -n -c -s -g -r4 -f /opt/IBM/Cognos/Transformer/metricsmodel/promptStartBuild.xml -m /opt/IBM/Cognos/Transformer/metricsmodel/MetricsAuditCube.mdl [->OK]
Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:22:59 3 00000000 Processing MDL file /opt/IBM/Cognos/Transformer/metricsmodel/MetricsAuditCube.mdl
Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:22:59 3 00000000 Creating model file /opt/IBM/Cognos/Transformer/temp/ppd03100.qyj
Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:23:00 3 0000435D Completed processing of MDL file /opt/IBM/Cognos/Transformer/metricsmodel/MetricsAuditCube.mdl
Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:23:00 4 0000435D Start cube update.
Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:23:00 4 0000435D Initializing categories.
Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:23:00 4 0000435D Timing, INITIALIZING CATEGORIES,00:00:00
Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:23:00 4 0000435D Start processing data source 'MetricsCubeDS~1'.
Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:23:00 4 0000435D Reading source data.
Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:23:02 4 0000435D End processing 0 records from data source 'MetricsCubeDS~1'.
Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:23:02 4 0000435D Timing, READ DATA SOURCE,00:00:02
Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:23:03 4 0000435D End cube update.
Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:23:03 4 0000435D Timing, TOTAL TIME (CREATE CUBE),00:00:03
Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:23:03 2 0000435D (TR0162) Package or report is not accessible. [->OK]
Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:23:03 3 0000435D Closing model file /opt/IBM/Cognos/Transformer/temp/ppd03100.qyj
Mon 26 Nov 2012 15:23:03 3 0000435D Transformer exiting - operation failed
Based on what I've managed to find on the net, IBM Recommends that I Adjust the inactivityTimeout value in cogstartup.xml from 3600 to a higher value. Currently, I've continued adjusting this value up to around 20000000 and I still get a TR0162 error.
Unfortunately i'm a little stumped now and don't know where else I could loo, and due to my lack of experience and understanding of Cognos and it's inner workings, i'm not sure where to go from here.
Any assistance, or a push in the right direction would be most appreciated.
Based on the times in your log, it does not appear to be a timeout issue at all. TR0162 is rather nebulous, my guess is this has to do with security. You are getting 0 records read from the data source. First thing I would check is that the user running this build has access to the data source 'MetricsCubeDS~1'. I am not familiar with Connections 4, does it include the Transformer modeler? Can you open the model? There are things you can use in there to validate various things that could point to the real problem.
Hi. Thanks for your response.
I am assuming that it comes with the modeller, although I do have a Windows server running the modeller on the same network. I'll give that a shot and give some feedback.