I tried to deploy my application from my production environment to my test env with the model and the data.
The application has been well imported but my im_tables are empty. In the cac, import, my cubes have 0 row. How to import that ?
The IM_ tables are not migrated over during a deployment. These are the loading tables used by contributor to push data into an application the next time a reconcile is run. There shouldn't be anything in these tables unless a load has been performed, but the gtp / reconcile has not been triggered yet.
Ok I understand but when you export "model and data" so where are these data ? Can you import it in the cubes ?
No import. Data loads directly into the node tables on import of the deployment package. Import tables are only used for external data sources, which a deployment is not.
I usually run a GTP after a deployment import just to make sure all is working.
Ok i understand now. Thank you.