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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: lookingforK on 15 Nov 2012 08:37:20 AM

Title: How to remove the repeated rows when calculating classified counts?
Post by: lookingforK on 15 Nov 2012 08:37:20 AM

I am using Cognos Report Studio 8.4 to extract the sales data for Last Week.

The data should be pulled out like:
Product Class Type...... Last Week Sales
Prom ...... ...... ...... .......  *
Non-Prom ...... ...... ....... *

Here, "Last Week Sales" should be the sales figures for 2 product classes (i.e. Prom or Non-Prom). "Product Class Type" means that: if "Product Category Number = 999", then it refers to 'Prom'; otherwise, it is classified as 'Non-Prom'.

For achieving this goal, I used 2 steps for "Product Class Type":
1). Used the following expression
WHEN Product Category Number = '999' THEN 'Prom'
ELSE 'Non-Prom'

2). Used the aggregation property as Automatic

For "Last Week Sales", just used Count Distinct for the aggregation property.

But, the results I got for 2 product classes are repeated by several rows.
For example, I should get:
Product Class Type...... Last Week Sales
Prom ...... ...... ...... ....260
Non-Prom ...... ...... .. 370

But, I got:
Product Class Type...... Last Week Sales
Prom ...... ...... .......... 260
Non-Prom ...... ...... .. 370
Prom ...... ...... .......... 260
Non-Prom ...... ...... .. 370
Prom ...... ...... .......... 260
Non-Prom ...... ...... .. 370
Prom ...... ...... .......... 260
Non-Prom ...... ...... .. 370

How to deal with this problem and remove the repeated rows?

Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: How to remove the repeated rows when calculating classified counts?
Post by: Bark on 15 Nov 2012 08:57:38 AM
It appears like it's repeating the data item as many times as rows you are bringing back from the DB. Either group the list by Prom/Non-Prom on remove from your query all the detail elemens that might be making you bring more lines than needed.

What do you see if you run it for tabular data?


Title: Re: How to remove the repeated rows when calculating classified counts?
Post by: lookingforK on 15 Nov 2012 09:17:35 AM
Thank you Bark.

How to run it for tabular data?

One more thing, I removed the column "Last Week Sales". The result I expect to see is like:
Product Class Type

But, I got:
Product Class Type

It repeated 6 times ...
Title: Re: How to remove the repeated rows when calculating classified counts?
Post by: rperwin on 15 Nov 2012 12:20:08 PM
to run as tabular data you have to hover over the Query Explorer and then 'right click' on the corresponding query and select 'view tabular data'
Title: Re: How to remove the repeated rows when calculating classified counts?
Post by: rperwin on 15 Nov 2012 12:22:08 PM
Also - is this based off of a relational model?  If so, is the Last Week Sales data item set as a measure?  You may have to change the aggregate function to 'Total' (which has to be done in the properties of the data item)
Title: Re: How to remove the repeated rows when calculating classified counts?
Post by: lookingforK on 15 Nov 2012 04:04:45 PM
Thank you rperwin.

Still try to understand ...
Title: Re: How to remove the repeated rows when calculating classified counts?
Post by: lookingforK on 20 Nov 2012 10:01:10 AM
Thank you rperwin.

Finally, I understand ...

This problem has been solved.