I have a decimal value , 2359945.88570883
We need to divide it with 1000 ( or use scale = -3) then the value in Cognos is becoming as --> 2359.94588571
i.e 2359945.88570883/1000 --> 2359.94588571
If you observe, the output value got rounded ( it rounded last 4 digits 0881 to 1)
Is there any way to avoid this...I mean if I divide it with 1000, the ouput should be full value, i.e. 2359.94588570883 ( no rounding should happen)
We are on Cognos 8.4, Oracle
Many thanks in advance,
no ideas :-)
I think you need convert fixed it.
I created Data Item1 as value 2359945.88570883
and Data Item2 as : cast([Data Item1]/1000 as decimal(16,12))
Then has result :
Data Item1 Data Item2
2,359,945.88570883 2,359.94588570883
hi hanht,
Is the 'decimal' any oracle function ?
I'm getting processing error if I use it in cognos.
I launch a new report studio & do steps at I said above, not get error.
Can you tell me the detail you did?