Hi there. I'm new to Cognos 8 and I really need help generating a report. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have the following table:
date action product
oct 1, 2012 started product1
nov1, 2012 started product1
nov1, 2012 started product2
dec1, 2012 started product1
I would like to create a report that looks like this:
report data Oct Nov Dec
product1 1 1 1
product2 0 1 0
product3 0 0 0
This seems to be pretty straight forward. But I don't seem to be able to generate it. Can someone give me the steps by steps help to do it?
I believe I can do this using a Crosstab? I would like to have the number of month be always 13 months running.
2 calculated dataitems additionally needed:
case when [action] = 'started' then 1 else 0 end
when extract(month,[date]) = 1 then 'Jan'
when extract(month,[date]) = 2 then 'Feb'
when extract(month,[date]) = 12 then 'Dec'
else null end
Build the crosstab making sure that you set an aggregate against the measure, otherwise the crosstab will remain empty
Thanks for the help.
Yes , Indeed I get an empty crosstab. The months columns headers are display properly at the top of the table.
What do you mean to set an aggregate against the measure?
I tried a few things as the example below:
count(if([action]='started') then 0 else 1)
Didn't make a difference. Still empty crosstab.
Cognos crosstabs only work with measures if the regular aggregate setting (properties!) is set. Coding this in the definition is not good enough!!
Check out the setting in properties!!
Yahoo!!! it is working.
Thanks for your help.