Dear all,
I have tried to install Cognos Express 9.0 on Windows 7 Ultimate. First, it was a success. Then, I removed it using Add/Remove Programs.
Then, when I tried to reinstall it, it failed. The message is: IBM Cognos Express is already installed on this machine. What should I do now? Because, I cannot find the services related to IBM Cognos. And I cannot find the programs in Start-->All Program in Windows.
Thank you.
Delete the old installation directory and subfolders.
Open regedit and sweep the registry, deleting all references to Cognos.
The uninstall doesn't work well in 9.x
I have deleted all the cognos files and its sub folders. I have also opened regedt32, to find keys for Cognos, and removed them. But still, I cannot reinstall Cognos Express 9.0. It always said that I have installed the program.
Thank you.
Dear all,
I still don't know how to reinstall IBM Cognos Express 9.0. The message is "IBM Cognos Express is already installed on this machine".
Please help....
Thank you.
Express version 9.0 does not support installing on Windows 7
Following is the only supported platform:
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2 (Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition) 64-bit