We had an issue a while back where some users could not open their Contributor applications. We went in and changed the Java Heap size from 88 to 128, per IBM Cognos support (essentially this article: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21506479). We initially tried 256, but that caused errors for us, as well.
It seems we might have some related issues that only present themselves after a user saves or closes their web grid, but the application is already set to 128. The max is 256. Is there any increment we should try between 128 and 256? Do we just arbitrarily choose a number, should it be a multiple of something like 16 or 64, etc.?
I couldn't find a hard answer to this but I would try increasing it to 192 and see what happens. If that causes more issues then revert back and try increasing by increments of 16 until you either solve the issue or exhaust the 256 size limit. If this doesn't resolve the issue I would re-engage Cognos support.
Not too helpful but that is what I would do before going further. Hopefully someone who has experienced this will provide more information for you.
Thank you, Danno. We tried 192 with no luck and increased it to 208, per your recommendation. That did the trick!
I am glad it worked out.
Well. We are back again. I've increased the java max setting to 256 and the web grid still will not open. Anyone have an idea of what to do at this point? IBM suggests that you should not go over 256. Given that it has been a while, I'm trying to back the number back down to 192, as having the number too large can cause a problem, too. Here is the URL for the IBM technote:
Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
I did run a model review of the app XML, and I do not see anything concerning, and this is not even close to one of the largest applications we manage.
I backed the JVM max setting back down to 192, GTP'ed, and we are good to go...