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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: gosoccer on 23 Oct 2012 10:53:06 AM

Title: Prompt -> Query Subject -> and Data Display
Post by: gosoccer on 23 Oct 2012 10:53:06 AM
This is a none-Cube, Package created from Framework Manager issue.

I have a situation that the Prompt of many organization_id (A,B,C) needs to be available to the customer;however, some records based on certain flag, DO NOT HAVE the organization_id in our database. Like we need to show the parent's info belonging to an organization_id A but their children may or may not be associated to an organization and we still need to list them under the parents.

I can run the Query Subject in Framework Manager and it shows me all records since there is no Organization_Id selection but as a part of the Report Author, the orgnization_id selection is filtering OUT all children records with NULL in organization_id.

I need to specific a filteration within Report Author that doesn't exclude the records if the Organization_id is NULL and just use the Parent's organization_id to display the data.

Thx in advance for your time.
Please help!!
Title: Re: Prompt -> Query Subject -> and Data Display
Post by: blom0344 on 23 Oct 2012 01:28:50 PM
I have no idea how your model looks like and your post is a little confusing, but you need to either add 'or orgnization_id is null' to your filter definition or change the join type (you pick which is relevant in your case)
Title: Re: Prompt -> Query Subject -> and Data Display
Post by: gosoccer on 23 Oct 2012 02:46:29 PM
Thx so much! I'll try this. The Model actually works great when I use the Test but that is because there is no Organization_ID parameter unlike the Report Author file. I'll try your suggestions in the Query's Filter.

The filter on the Query looks like this so I know it's going to give me hard time.
Quotecase when #sq($account.parameters.STO)#  = xxxx then
([BUSINESS_VIEW].[XX_QUERY].[ORG_ID] in (?Parameter1?))
Title: Re: Prompt -> Query Subject -> and Data Display
Post by: gosoccer on 23 Oct 2012 03:06:43 PM
Yes, it works
Quote([BUSINESS_VIEW].[XXX_QUERY].[ORG_ID] in (?OrgParam?) OR [BUSINESS_VIEW].[xxx_QUERY].[ORG_ID] is null)
Title: Re: Prompt -> Query Subject -> and Data Display
Post by: gosoccer on 25 Oct 2012 01:51:08 PM
But unfortunately, the NULL based ORG_ID is getting pickup by the SECTION based on ORG_ID.
SO for example, instead of the following listing based on SECTION by ORG_ID


Parent               Child               ORG_ID
2121221                                   AA
2121221           323232             NULL


Parent               Child               ORG_ID
2121221                                   AA

2121221           323232             NULL

It's putting the Child under the NULL ORG_ID while it needs to be under AA.

There has to be an easy way to tell it to keep the parent and child together but still do the
Thx so much again!!