I am looking for a best practice for using SSIS to launch a Transformer Cube Build after an ETL job has completed.
Has anyone here done something similar?
Not sure what's best practice, but you can fire off command lines from within an SSIS package. This could be a script calling Shell(), or the Execute Process task, and is useful for many tasks. In this case it could invoke a Transformer command line, or call a batch file that in turn invokes a command line, to do the cube build.
I have done it some time back not from SSIS but from Informatica, don't remember the exact commands but this how I did it:
1> After the ETL job completes, it creates a file on the file system.
2> Transformer's script is enclosed in a batch file which looks at that file. If it finds that file, then it executes the script.
3> After the cube is built, the file (created in step 1) is deleted.
Another way which I have heard but not done yet is this:
After the ETL job completes, it executes the batch file with a DOS command. That batch file is the Transformer script with the command:
cogtr.exe -n2 .......
Hope it helps.
Has anyone done this in a Data Manager Job or jobstream
If you have a batch file to fire off your Transformer build, simply call this from within a procedure node of your jobstream using the system() function.
im actually looking for a shell script version of bath script used for building cubes.
any of you have done this in linux?