I've a multi select value prompt(eg: Product Name), in Cognos 8.4, on cascading (Product Line -> ProductType -> Product Name), may contain many values, but user is allowed to select <= 10 values.
A message should be displayed and FINISH button should be disabled to prevent the user selecting 11th value and Select All (if it contains >10 values).
After clicking OK on the message, if user deselects 11th value or clicks on Deselect All, then FINISH button should be enabled.
Only java script is my requirement.
Could you please help me here.
The answer to your quenstion is being answered in
http://it.toolbox.com/wiki/index.php/Limit_Prompt_Selections_with_Javascript_Cognos_8.3/8.4 (http://it.toolbox.com/wiki/index.php/Limit_Prompt_Selections_with_Javascript_Cognos_8.3/8.4)