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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: mr j on 17 Oct 2012 03:00:55 AM

Title: CAC Import Data from text file and Analyst file map gives strange characters
Post by: mr j on 17 Oct 2012 03:00:55 AM
Hello hello,

I did an export to text file from Contributor app, about 70000 rows, 12 MB. It looks like your normal tab separated nice text file with columns in correct order and everything ready for import. Now, when I test with Import Data in CAC all I get in the preview is "ÿÞF" (without the quotes). The same happens in Analyst "New File Map".

Version is 8.4.1

Probably again something very simple, but please educate me what's wrong...
Title: Re: CAC Import Data from text file and Analyst file map gives strange characters
Post by: mr j on 17 Oct 2012 06:16:00 AM
Got it... I think.

Opened the file in Notepad, saved with encoding "ANSI" instead of "Unicode" and now it's ok in import.

I don't know whether one can control which encoding is used in the export in the first place.