We are upgrading from a mixed environment of PowerPlay web 7.4 and CRN 1.1.
I know there is an upgrade assistant for migrating PowerPlay 7 content but does it only work with Upfront? Will this work if the PowerPlay content is already in the CRN portal?
If I create a new Content store, do I restore the CRN Content store, start up Cognos to upgrade the data/schema and then import the C7 reports/cubes etc from the CRN Content store?
If you use the Migration Assistant, you have three options for picking up your PowerPlay content:
1. Directly from PPES if you are not using Upfront or Cognos Connection for your content currently
2. From Cognos Connection if you had published your PowerPlay content there (the old interworking capabilities which it looks like you are using currently)
3. From Upfront
I would have directed you to the Upgrade Center, but IBM seem t have taken it down for the moment. I guess it will be back after they have updated it for 10.2?
In the meantime, I will direct you here:
Thanks for the reply.
And for migrating the Report Studio reports from ReportNet?
Will the Migration Assistant also picks these up or just the Powerplay reports.
The Migration Assistant is just for transferring Cognos 7 PowerPlay reports/cubes etc into Cognos 8 or 10. Getting your ReportNet reports across is much easier - just create a deployment of the relevant reports from Tools > Content Administration on your ReportNet server, copy the deployment archive (zip file) from the deployment folder of your ReportNet install to the deployment folder of your Cognos 8/10 install, then in Cognos 8/10 go to the Admin Console and create a new import to being in the content of the deployment you made.
Thanks again for the quick reply.
Since the Report Studio reports are scattered around various folders including "My Folders", it can be difficult to create an export package with only those reports.
If I create an Export package of a folder which contains both Report Studio and PowerPlay 7 Web reports and import it into the new Content store, I assume the Report Studio reports would be fine.
What about the PowerPlay reports? What do I get? I know I get at least the report link.
If I then run the Migration Assistant and bring over the PowerPlay 7 reports, will it overwrite the PP 7 reports brought over from the Content store import?
If you deploy a folder containing Report Studio reports and PowerPlay 7 reports (links via the CS7 interop), you will end up with the same content when you import this folder in your new environment. The interop links will still be there, pointing to the Cognos 7 PPES objects, just as they did before.
When you use Migration Assistant, it will bring the reports through into your new environment. I'm not sure what would happen if the report names already exist in the content store - I tend to suspect you would see errors reported.
Thanks for the update.
I'm kind of hoping the links will be over-written if they already exist.
I guess I'll find out in a month when we start.