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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: cogcurious on 11 Oct 2012 02:27:03 PM

Title: Member Unique Names impact with source change
Post by: cogcurious on 11 Oct 2012 02:27:03 PM
I have cube source that is changing. What are scenarios in which MUNs could be used in a report. If i drag and drop a member in the report is that a candidate for an impact because of MUN change.
Title: Re: Member Unique Names impact with source change
Post by: wyconian on 12 Oct 2012 02:37:35 AM

This isn't a great answer but it depends on what the changes are.  If your data source for the cube changes but the names of the dimensions/levels etc (especially the captions) stays the same then there will probably not be much if any of an impact.

If you change the name of the cube or change the package from the cube you may have more of an issue.  For example i have a dev cube and a uat cube. They both sit in the same environment so need to have different names.  I get issues when I switch a report from dev to UAT because the MUNs are different.

The other scenario I occasionally get is where the caption name is not unique.  In these cases transformer adds a '~' and a number to make the caption unique.  If the  cube has to be rebuilt for any reason the number in the caption can change and then items in the report can't find the correct MUN.

Every item you drag onto a report has a MUN so the impact can sometimes be big.

Fixing this in the report is pretty easy though maybe a bit scary.  Hack the XML i.e. copy the report to clipboard, paste it into notepad or something similar then find and replace the MUNs that are broken and replace them with the correct MUN.

Once you've done that you just need to copy the amended xml then open the report from the clipboard and you should be good to go.

So to, finally, answer your question.  The impact will depend on what the changes are but fixing even the biggest impact is pretty straight forward, if you need to .

Good luck :-)
Title: Re: Member Unique Names impact with source change
Post by: MFGF on 12 Oct 2012 05:49:11 AM
That's a great answer! Have an applause from me! :)
Title: Re: Member Unique Names impact with source change
Post by: wyconian on 12 Oct 2012 05:58:31 AM
Title: Re: Member Unique Names impact with source change
Post by: cogcurious on 16 Oct 2012 02:35:49 PM
Just to reiterate, If i have a dimension called Product with a level called Product Name.....I have kept the caption name as Product Name and everything else, source code/category code etc as product no.....Suppose my report is filtered for 'Golf Equipment', which has a product no of 1. Suppose after rebuild the caption associated with 1 changes to 'Camping Equipment' then the report gets filtered on 'Camping Equipment' because the MUN has changed now. Is that correct? This is given we are using the member in the filter an not the caption function. If we use caption function then it doesnt matter because then you are comparing names and not numbers