Hallo everyone,
in the documentation I found this explanation regarding automatic setting from aggregate function:
Aggregate Function
Specifies the type of aggregation to apply. The Automatic setting means that the application groups or summarizes based on the data type.
I dont understand, what kind of data type means regarding this. Isnt data type just the facts?
Thank you.
Data type means whether a particular column or cell is a date, string, decimal, etc.
Hi Ratlenm,
You are right, when aggregation is set to automatic, Cognos decides the kind of aggregation to apply based on data type.
Understanding Datatype is truly a big deal, however the most commonly used data types are, "Character", "Numerics", Date/DateTime, Currency, there are others like boolean, blob so on and so forth, there are some data types that are unsupported by Cognos.
The subject is quite exhaustive.
Thanks and Regards
Shivanand Biradar