Hello, I am trying to get our Audit database working again. We recently upgraded databases and the audit db stopped being updated. I have been looking for connection strings to point it to the new db and for all I know I found them all. But its not working still. Can someone point me in the right direction on how to update my Audit db connection or whatever I need to do to get it working.
I queried the new congoslog and all the data in there stops on th 9/6/12. The week of the new db. All my reports pull from that db and pull up until the 6th.
Cognos version 8.3 and MSSQL db
forgot to add that
Hi JB,
Have you ensured the audit logging level correctly set for audit reports.
For audit reporting, set the logging level to Basic (auditing enabled) or Request. If you set the logging level to Minimum, auditing is disabled.
Hello, thanks for the reply.
Everything is set to basic. So that part is done. We upgraded the database server and that is what is causing the issue i believe. I'm looking for the steps on how to point the application to write to the new audit db.
In Cog Admin, I can successfully tested the connection to the Audit datasource and that connection string is pointing to the new db. In cognos configuration I have updating the environment logging section to the new location.
Also the old db is not getting updated as well. I don't really care tho. Just that what ever broke that could probably fix new audit db
Hi JB,
Hmmm... is this a standalone install or a distributed; If its a distributed please make sure you removed and added the new audit db on your app tier/ content manager tier followed by a restart. Please see below these are the steps I follow to debug, I'm sure it will take you a couple of hours.
If this like your Dev/ Test can you please try these steps for standalone install;
1) Rename your existing cogstart.xml, csk, signkeypair, encryptkeypair, caserial which are located in <your cognos location> / Configuration into respective backup files.
2) If you new audit db has tables drop them.
3) Open Cognos Configuration it will create a new cogstart.xml file, reconfigure environment, add the audit DB and test audit namespace.
4) Start the Cognos services and check the new audit db to see if the tables were created.
5) Log on Cognos connection, run a report. Then run a report usage report it should have values.
Steps for distributed install;
Content Manager Tier:
1) Rename your existing cogstart.xml, csk, signkeypair, encryptkeypair, caserial which are located in <your cognos location> / Configuration into respective backup files.
2) If you new audit db has tables drop them.
3) Open Cognos Configuration it will create a new cogstart.xml file, reconfigure environment, add the audit DB and test audit namespace.
4) Start the Cognos services and check the new audit db to see if the tables were created.
Application Tier:
1) Rename your existing cogstart.xml, csk, signkeypair, encryptkeypair, caserial which are located in <your cognos location> / Configuration into respective backup files.
2) Open Cognos Configuration it will create a new cogstart.xml file, reconfigure environment, add the audit DB and test audit namespace.
3) Start the Cognos services.
4) Log on Cognos connection, run a report. Then run a report usage report it should have values.
I hope this help.