We have a list report with a column named 'PARENT', which has 3 values in it, say P1,P2,P3
We have 5 child reports/list reports, say each list has some 6 columns in them.
We need to merge both PARENT and child reports in such a way that...
1) PARENT.P1 should get merge with 6 child reports, here P1 will be section header for all 6 child lists ( will display in one page)
2) PARENT.P2 should get merge with 6 child reports, here P2 will be section header for all 6 child lists ( another page)
3) PARENT.P3 should get merge with 6 child reports, here P3 will be section header for all 6 child lists ( another page)
We have a solution for it, using hard coded filters....but expecting suggestions from you guys...
Many thanks in advance,
Got a clue !!!
I'll create a list report with parent column in it and insert all the child lists in that list column body.
Then I'll do page break on Parent column.
Almost there :-)
Whoever follows the above solution will loose there job :-)
Solution for that problem is master-detail relationship.
It's simple, which I discovered after lot of research.
Quote from: cognosun on 04 Oct 2012 04:38:50 AM
Whoever follows the above solution will loose there job :-)
Why ? If you did not lose yours, why would I lose mine? ;D