How we can do the drill-through in same report.
i have created two pages 1.source page 2. target page in same report and point to each one is different queries i.e. 2queries->1 for source page and 1 for target page.
now i want to apply the drill-through concept.
if user click on source page drill thru link, it should show target page.
Please help on this. its very urgent.
is that the same case as your case with the Master-Detail-Rel?
Again, maybe it would be helpfull if you deliver moreinformation about your requierment.
Could you not just make two reports? One as target one as starting report? adrill trhough usually deliver further detail information, e.g. partner information oder order information after clicking on a ordernumber....
Hi Srinu,
I don't think it is possible to drill through no the same report. I have used a work around by using TOC and bookmarks along with user training that the output would be generated in PDF format not HTML.
Put a text prompt on your prompt page that points to a new parameter called ?PageVariable? or something similar. Give it a default selection of 'Page1'.
Set a render variable for page 1 that only makes page 1 show if ?Pagevariable='Page1'?
set a render variable for page 2 that only makes page 2 only show if ?PageVariable?='Page2'.
Make a new query item (within the query that generates whataver is on Page 1) that holds the text 'Page2'.
Make a drill-thru-definition to the same report (you will have to save the report first). Map all your required parameters. Map the ?PageVariable? parameter to the new query item.
Save the report and run it.
The ?PageVariable? will be populated with 'Page1' making Page 1 render and not Page 2 since it is the default selection.
When you click on the drill-thru-link it will open a new instance of the same report with your parameters set according to the drill-thru. The cool thing here is that the ?PageVariable? parameter will now be populated with 'Page2' and hence Page 1 will NOT render but Page 2 will.
Finally you probably want to hide the ?PageVariable? text prompt from the prompt page - this prompt is for internal use only and the users are not supposed to see it. Try box type none, I think that does the trick.
I donĀ“t have access to a Cognos installation at the moment so I'm afraid I couldn't send you an example XML but hopefully you get the general idea. I tried this a few times - works fine.
Hi Srinu,
In most of the cases user sees into the Summarised report[Parent] and will not navigate to child.If u put the main and detail reports in the same file when u run the report both main & detail queries will be fired against the database,so keep two differnt files/reports for Parent and child for better performance.
Steps for drill:
When u rgt click on any dimension value u can see an option Drill through.If u select that drill through option,a new window will open.Now u have set few parameters here like which report[report name] u wnt to Drill,in which page child has to open[same page/new page],and what are the parameters u want to pass to drill report.Depending upon the parameter u have paased only ur child report will get filtered.
for furthu reference u cn see into