Hello Everyone,
Just curious if there is any option to add comments to report output and they are saved so that Next users when they run the report should be able to see all comments?
I see it is possible (from old posts) using ASP page or Adding a Stored Proc but What if I want this feature for all the reports?
Anyone who already accomplished this or any 3rd Party tool which helps?
Appreciate your inputs!!
Yes you can with Glossary.. but firstly that will work on right click on some text. so you can have it on report name.. and as far as saving is concern then you have to call asp page with stored procedure...
you can use tm1 with cognos bi to write back comments to your db...
or use third party tools like "apparo fastedit"..i think bsp has sth. for that requierment as well, but im not sure.
Quote from: sunny_brilliant on 25 Sep 2012 12:30:28 PM
Yes you can with Glossary.. but firstly that will work on right click on some text. so you can have it on report name.. and as far as saving is concern then you have to call asp page with stored procedure...
Thanks Sunny. Can you post in detail if you already achieved it?
Quote from: charon on 25 Sep 2012 04:36:12 PM
you can use tm1 with cognos bi to write back comments to your db...
or use third party tools like "apparo fastedit"..i think bsp has sth. for that requierment as well, but im not sure.
I will try to reach out & request "apparoa" and "BSP" for demo on this.
btw, How would Cognos BI report Integrate with TM1 to add comments?
Any more inputs plzzz?///
try this , always worked for me.
Quote from: BiliBoy on 28 Sep 2012 04:30:23 PM
try this , always worked for me.
Hello BiliBoy,
How does it work? Is this like a Static comments?
Could you be little more descriptive plz?
Mostly i use that format in expression window. i do not know,its a dynamic or static but cognos does not give you an error message at all when you try to validate the report.
Apologise for kicking the dust, just wondering whether bibat has achieved his commenting functionality somehow?