Is cognos for office a thick client installation on developers workstation or a web based?
Does it only allow to use already created reports or can we create new ones as well
Also, if i have created a report in Office, can i refresh the data in it
I know this might be the wrong forum but i ccouldnt locate one for office
There are two components. Cognos GO Office and Cognos Analysis for Excel (CAFE).
GO Office is a local client that installs a plug in for Word, Excel and Powerpoint. This plug in allows you to browse the Cognos Connection and insert objects from reports into Office Documents. For example, drag a chart from one report onto a PowerpPoint slide. You can refresh the data at anytime in the Office Document. You cannot create new reports inside office documents. This comes with IBM Cognos BI.
CAFE allows you to browse Cognos Packages inside Excel. You can drag individual fields into Excel, allowing you to create reports directly in Excel. This is a separate software purchase from IBM.